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Reach German readers with your novel

I check your manually or machine-translated texts for errors, localize them and adapt style and tone. Always with the aim of making it sound so natural that the German target group won't notice that it's a translation.
Romance Novels

Editing translated romance novels

I've been working with German texts for 15 years and a few years ago I somehow slipped into this bubble of romance novels. And I love it. Mafia, werewolves, cowboys – I've already helped diverse creatures to find german readers. To date I've worked on various novels of different authors, including bestselling authors, manually and machine translated.


Besides romance novels with accompanying blurb texts and marketing material, I am also open to other translation projects, as I do a lot as a copywriter in the German-speaking area. See my website for more information.

How does it work?


2-3 pages (manually or machine translated)

Estimation & offer

After estimating the amount of work involved, an offer is made

Questions or suggestions?

Feedback with the author

Erste Runde: Inhalt

Können Struktur, roter Faden oder Stil verbessert werden? Übersetzungen werden je nach Qualität zusätzlich auf Übersetzungsfehler geprüft.

Zweite Runde: Grammatik & Rechtschreibung

Jetzt geht es an den Feinschliff: Tipp-, Rechtschreib- und Grammatikfehler werden ausgebessert.

Round 1: Check translation

Translation errors (side by side), style, tone, localization

Round 2: Grammar

Spelling, grammar, punctuation

Feedback & questions

Spelling and grammar.

Blurb & marketing

If needed: Translation of blurb and marketing material

Ready to reach German readers? Let’s go!

How much does it cost?

The fee depends on the quality of the translation. Manually translated texts start at $0,025/word, machine-translated texts at $0,3/word as an extra round of editing is required. Package prices for series are always an option. If you send me a sample, I'll estimate the workload and make an offer.

How long will it take?

That depends on the quality of the text as well and of course on my workload with other projects. For 60k words I reckon about three weeks. Faster is possible if there is a deadline.

Will it still be my tone & style?

Of course. I always aim to make the novels sound natural. I don't want readers to realize that it's a translation. To achieve this, I sometimes change the wording and adapt the vocabulary, localize parts or suggest changes to make it more understandable for the German audience, but I always stay in the authors' tone. It's your story and your style.

Examples & References

“Working with Evelyn was amazing! She was very prompt and thorough with the edits. I would definitely recommend working with her.”
Emilia Rose, USA Today Bestselling Author

About me

Working with texts has always been part of my life. I studied German literature, worked in publishing houses and even while working in content marketing for companies and agencies texts and target groups were part of my daily business. Besides that I started part-time as freelance editor and copywriter and decided in 2022 to freelance full-time and specialized in editing translations. 

My certificates

Certificate as a freelance editor,

Akademie der Deutschen Medien

„Editing translations“,

Akademie der Deutschen Medien

Bachelor’s Degree in German
Studies and Master’s Degree in
Northern European Studies

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